Lawyer Referral & Information Service

The Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) is a public service of the Anne Arundel Bar Association that makes it easy for you to connect with a lawyer possessing experience in the area of law related to your legal concern. The AABA LRIS meets the American Bar Association standards for lawyer referral services. 

Many people delay in consulting with a lawyer because they are not certain whether they actually need a lawyer or because they are not sure who they should call.  Our Lawyer Referral and Information Service is here to help you determine whether or not you need a lawyer, and to help you find the right lawyer to assist you with your legal concerns.


Contact the Lawyer Referral and Information Service

By Phone at 410-222-6859
8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday
8:30 am - 2:00 pm Friday

Se habla español
Submit the Online Form
Click here to access our LRIS request form. You will receive a referral by email within two business days.

How the Service Works

When you call the Lawyer Referral and Information Service, a representative will ask a few questions to assist you in making an appointment with an attorney who is well-versed in the area of law needed. You will be referred to a lawyer in Anne Arundel County as close to you as possible. 

Language Assistance: We do have lawyers on our panel who speak a foreign language. If you need this service, please make a request at the time of the referral.

Out-of-State Referrals: If you are not a resident of Maryland, your 30-minute consultation with your attorney will be conducted over the phone. Out-of-state referrals must be paid in advance via check or credit card.


Initial Consultation Fee

When you meet with the lawyer, the first 30 minutes of consultation will be $35 and is paid to the lawyer at the time of the meeting. If further legal services are necessary, fee arrangements will be made by you and your lawyer. There is no fee to be referred for cases related to Social Security/Disability, Personal Injury, or Workman’s Compensation.

Pro Bono: The service does not maintain a list of lawyers providing pro bono (free) legal services, although a few of our panel members may offer reduced fees in the case of economic hardship. Occasionally, we refer callers to agencies that provide free legal services under specific circumstances.


Areas of Legal Practice

Our LRIS attorney panel includes lawyers with experience in the following areas:

Administrative & Agency Law 
Bankruptcy (Individual & Corporate) 
Business Problems 
Civil Rights 
Collections (Plaintiff & Defendant) 
Computer Law (Internet & other issues) 
Consumer Problems 
Contracts, Agreements or Debts 
Corporations or Partnerships 
Criminal Law 
Education Law 
Elder Law 
Employee/Employer Relations 
Environmental Law 
Health Law 
International Law 
Juvenile Problems 
Landlord Tenant Problems
Libel & Slander 
Malpractice (Legal & Medical) 
Family Problems 
Military Law 
Personal Injury 
Real Estate 
Social Security 
Wills, Estates & Trusts 
Workers' Compensation