Personal Bankruptcy Clinic
- By: AABA Staff
- On: 08/04/2015 13:28:08
- In: Other Organizations
The Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service (MVLS) is presenting a personal bankruptcy clinic in Annapolis on September 17.
The clinic will be held from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the Law Library of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, located at 8 Church Circle in Annapolis.
Participants will have the opprtunity to hear from experienced attorneys about how to file bankruptcy, and the meet one-on-one with MVLS volunteers to discuss their situation. All attendees must be low-to-moderate-income and not be in foreclosure proceeding.
You must pre-register for this class. Visit to register online and view other upcoming seminar dates. For more information, call MVLS at (410) 547-6537 or (800) 510-0050.