
MVLS Foreclosure Training

The Maryland Volunteer Lawyer Service is seeking attorneys to help with representation in foreclosure cases and attorneys to volunteer for special monthly sessions of Ask a Lawyer in the Library that focus on foreclosure issues.

The court is also seeking volunteers for its Foreclosure ADR program. MVLS and the court will be hosting a training session to help attorneys get up to speed with foreclosure prevention.

Topics include: mortgage lending/servicing basics, overview of foreclosure process/timeline, how to represent homeowners at a foreclosure mediation, loan modifications and loss mitigation, and tips on how to conduct a foreclosure ADR in Anne Arundel County.

When: Friday, June 26th from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Where: Judiciary Education and Conference Center (JECC) located at 2011D Commerce Park Drive, Annapolis, MD 21401

RSVP: Fax to (443) 451-4081, email to or register online at:  

View the training session flyer.

